Pemasangan Traffic and Street Light

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Pemasangan Traffic and Street Light

PT Firza Meka Trindo (Mekatrindo) dapat melayani pemasangan Traffic and Street Light (Lampu Lalu-Lintas dan Lampu Penerangan Jalan)di pabrik-pabrik, kawasan industri, serta pemerintahan di seluruh wilayah Indonesia.

Layanan tersebut meliputi :

  1. Lampu Traffic Light
  2. Traffic Light Controller
  3. Counterdown Traffic Light
  4. Pedestian Walk Signal System
  5. Sparepart Traffic Light
  6. Cross and Arrow Lamp
  7. Traffic Warning Light
  8. LED Running Text
  9. Traffic Announcer Point System (TAPS)


Lampu Lalu Lintas - Traffic Light Mekatrindo
Lampu Lalu Lintas
Traffic Light Controller - Controller Lampu Lalu Lintas - Mekatrindo
Traffic Light Controller
Distributor Counterdown - Countdown - Mekatrindo
Counter Down
Cross Arrow Lamp


Sparepart Traffic Light
Lampu Warning Light - Lampu Kuning - Lampu Hati hati - Mekatrindo
Lampu Warning Light
Jual Running Text - Lampu LED - Papan Informasi Digital - Mekatrindo
Running Text
Lampu Jalan LED - Lampu PJU - Penerangan Jalan Umum - Mekatrindo
Lampu Jalan ( PJU)
Announcer - Himbauan Lalu Lintas - Mekatrindo
Traffic Announcer Point System


Untuk pertanyaan dan pemesanan silahkan menghubungi :

PT. Firza Meka Trindo (Mekatrindo)
Jalan Pakis No.1 RT.01 RW.04 Kel. Beji Timur Kec. Beji Depok – Jawa Barat
No.HP : 087875234939/ 082114306072
Email :,
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